Friday 11 February 2011

evaluation of my "Bizzare BAY" my school magazine

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product adheres to the typical codes and conventions highlighted in my initial research of school magazines. It does that because the title of my magazine is situated within the top third of the magazine and is in bold font. The bold font itself relates to the colour theme of the school and the alliteration used are great examples of conventions of a good school magazine used in my own media product.
             I challenged the conventions with the picture for the front cover and the contents page by creating more of a creative or arty layout. The image on the front cover being full page background only related to a special art college which I evaluated in ‘what do school magazines entail?’. The contents page develops what is already used in magazines where they use the list however they majority use the same colour for the whole list of contents I have used a different colour for each headline. This allows each article to stand out more in their own right and makes the contents as a whole look less boring. The heading of the page also challenges the  typical conventions as it is more arty, flowing and fun but it shows students that a boring page such as ‘ the contents’ can be fun to read.   

What have you learnt from the process of constructing this product?

            This preliminary task has taught me to understand what codes and conventions are in media products such as school magazines and how to find them, therefore giving me the basic footing to look at music magazines. As a project it has giving me great experience at working to deadlines and greater experience working on Photoshop to create a final product that looks professional. As well as a practice at the brainstorming creative ideas for content to include that is relevant to the target audience which I will also use in my main task.

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