Friday 1 April 2011

Feedback from 'CONNECT' rough cut

Teacher Feedback

What they liked about my magazine
  • collums on the double page spread
  • image on the front cover and the mise en scene carried throughout
  • good photo on the front cover and use of colour scheme throughout
  • the use of colour and branding
  • manipulation of models
What they think i could improve for my my final magazine

Front Cover

  • check research -layout and fonts need adjusting/improving
  • logo could be stronger and changed to suit genre
  • more details included on the front cover
  • Adele image is to similar on front cover to on contents page
Contents Page
  • contents page is a bit messy - use constant fonts
  • photos could be stronger especially lighting on the band image (too much white balance on the photo)
Double Page Spread
  • photo is slightly out of focus on the double page spread
  • finish article after interview
  • "ADELE" on the double page spread doesnt fit the style
  • try to combine photo and text 
Peer Feedback

What they liked about my magazine

  • constant colour scheme
  • images are well styled and look like the artists they are trying to be. They also show a variety in different shots 
  • text on the double page spread is the right size
  • the way the article is written, including the use of the collumns
  • consistant genre
  • the way page is layed out
What they think i could improve for my my final magazine

front cover
  • check spelling and grammatical errors (dont forget capital letters)
  • make the text on the front cover smaller
  • re cut out the front cover photo and blend with the background
  • move about the writing enabeling readers to read the "Tunstal" over the dress of the cover artist
  • wider variety of text on the cover?
Contents Page
  • make the text smaller and add more
  • the Adele image on the contents page looks stretched - resize or retake
  • too many plain backgrounds in photos
  • keep fonts constant
  • the page is slightly disjointed?
Double Page Spread
  • make the space inbertween "welcome to the party of the legends" smaller
  • adele title (font) doesnt fit with the layout
  • too much left over white space which needs to be filled
  • make the quote's bigger within the text

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